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Listen to events in your OkaySend account through your webhook endpoint, enabling you to automatically trigger reactions.

For instance, when all documents are uploaded and a request is marked as completed, we generate event data that we send to you, informing you of this activity in your account. This allows your backend systems to execute actions accordingly.

Explore: Triggering actions with webhooks

Add an endpoint


Add an endpoint

Endpoint URL *


Select events to listen to *

  • Request sent

    Occurs whenever a request is finalized and moved from "Drafts" to "Sent".

  • Request completed

    Occurs whenever all required fields are filled and completed.

  • Request archived

    Occurs whenever a request is marked "done" and archived.

  • Request deleted

    Occurs whenever a request is permanently deleted.

  • Request viewed

    Occurs every time a request is viewed by a client.

  • Field completed

    Occurs whenever a field is completed and marked "done".

  • Field approved

    Occurs whenever a response to a field is approved.

  • Field rejected

    Occurs whenever a response to a field is rejected.

  • Client created

    Occurs whenever a new client record is added.

  • Client updated

    Occurs whenever a client record is updated.

  • Client deleted

    Occurs whenever a client record is deleted.

  • New comment received

    Occurs whenever a new comment is added to a request by the uploader or client.

  • New comment sent

    Occurs whenever a new comment is added to a request by this account.

Endpoint saved successfully


Test your webhook URL
