Add a new team member
Enter team member's email address *
Select the permissions you want to grant
View Requests
Access and view client submissions.
Send Requests
Send new requests to clients.
Delete Requests
Permanently delete requests and associated data.
Export Request Data
Download collected files and data.
Acitvity Logs
Access and export request's activity logs.
Respond to messages and add comments to a request.
Manage Team
Edit member access, and add or remove seats.
Manage public account details and business name.
Customize branding options.
Add/Edit Clients
Add, edit, and remove clients.
Add/Edit Templates
Create and modify templates.
Add/Edit Reminders
Add, edit, and delete reminder schedules.
Email Settings
Configure email preferences.
SMS Settings
Configure SMS preferences.
Set up and manage notifications.
Language Settings
Change preferred language(s).
Connect with tools like Zapier and Google Drive.
Plan Usage and Billing
Monitor and manage plan usage.
Pending invites
Added team members
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