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Current plan usage

Active RequestsAn active request is a Request that was sent and is currently in progress.

For example, you could send 100 Requests at once. If later you mark them as "Done" or "Archive" them, you'd be able to send 100 more.

Please see: What is an active Request?

Your active (sent) request usage. Your billing plan limits the number of requests that can be active at the same time.



Note: Only requests that are active will count against your active request quotas.

An active request is a request that was sent and is currently in progress. For example, if your account limits you to 20 active requests, you can send 20 requests at once. If later you mark them as "Done" or "Archive" them, you'd be able to send 20 more.

Requests with statuses: Sent, Incomplete, and Complete are all considered active requests.

Requests with the status Archived are not considered active requests.

If you're close to or over your limit, you can:

  • Make active requests inactive (see below how).
  • Permanently delete requests.
  • Upgrade your account.

To make a request inactive, use the "Mark done & archive" button to archive it.

UsersPlease upgrade your plan to invite additional members of your team to access your OkaySend Account.

Number of individual users (members of your team) you can invite to your account.



Please go to Settings > Team.To add or remove a team member.

You can always upgrade your plan to get more seats from the billing settings.

Note: Each team member invited counts toward your user limit. Your (admin/owner) seat is also counted.

StorageStorage is the amount data (files and other responses) that can be collected and archived.

If you've used up all your available storage, please either:

- upgrade your plan
- or delete an active or archived request

Your available account storage and the space you have left. You can’t send requests if your account reaches its storage limit.



Note: When your account reaches its storage limit, you can’t send new requests and collect data.

The amount of storage available to you depends on your account's selected billing plan.

If you're close to or over your limit, you can:

  • Permanently delete requests to clear space.
  • Get more storage by upgrading your account.

Note: Archived requests also count against your storage quota.